Entry #2- Teaching


Some of the most amazing teachers remain in your heart forever. You can always remember your favorite teachers, you might not remember who was in that class or even what subject they taught but you will always remember that teacher. One of my favorite teachers was Mrs. Redfern-White, Mrs. R.W. She was the most amazing teacher. She was so silly and made learning fun. She was my homeroom teacher in 3rd grade. She had crazy red curly hair, she was tall but probably only because I was 7 years old. I will never forget her. For how an amazing teacher she was and how she died doing her favorite thing in the world, teaching. It was halfway through the school year and we got a new teacher for the rest of the year and as 3rd graders we had no clue what was going on and what was about to happen. Mrs. White had gotten bone cancer and was not doing the treatments to take care of herself. We were her first class and her last class. She had open our minds to imagine endless possibilities. The day had finally come. We all had a pretty fun day, we were at recess most of the day and we did a lot of playing instead of learning and only now that I am older I understand why. Towards the end of the day the principal came in to have a chat with us and we all thought we were in trouble. He had sat us all down and we could hear the softness in his voice and see the tears well up in his eyes. He told us that Mrs. R.W. has passed and that there will be a lot happening in her favor the next few months. I was so upset and heartbroken. My mom had made sure to take off all of the days the school were doing something in her honor because she knew I had to be there. There was a celebration of life that was held at the school and I remember getting up and speaking as the class representative because we all knew I was her favorite. Then the funeral was held and it almost seemed like everything was back to normal but I wasn't ready for it to be back to normal. I was still upset and there was nothing I could do about it. I started writing to her when she was in the hospital but I had never had the chance to give them to her. I finally gathered my courage and gave it to her husband and it was filled with tears and so many memories. But at that moment I had decided that I was at peace of what had happened and I had to remember that she will always be with me. She had inspired me to become a teacher because I want to make an impact on someone's life like how she had impacted mine.


  1. This is so interesting to read. Teachers are the best all over the world. They instill great values on us. May she continue to RIP. Here i am reminiscing about my childhood. All thanks to you.

  2. This was so sad and interesting to read that she had such an impact. It just goes to show that teachers make huge impacts on kids of all ages. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had my favorite teacher when I was in the fifth grade and I can't imagine how I would feel if I got that news. I really enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh wow, such a powerful story. It makes us all remember the person who's impacted us the most. I'm glad you had the courage to give the letter. I didn't give a simple drawing to someone special to me then it was too late. I still wish I had.

  5. Madyson--Your blog is starting off well. You have good flow to your writing, and your voice is comfortable and confident. Good ideas and pretty good development of your content. Keep digging and connecting and paragraphing. Also, keep working on your visual appeal (layout, images, paragraphs, and more). Great start. Keep it up!


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